Sunday, January 23, 2011

Science blog #1

Today in class we did an experiment that got me thinking as a science teacher, when I looked at the beakers and was asked to make observations it is clear to me that I did not look at all aspects of the situation. As a teacher I want to encourage my students to not just look at the experiment in one way, which is in fact what I had done. Once we started to communicate as a class I realized I only looked at the beakers in one dimension, which was the amount of liquid in each opposed to what the liquid was. I made an assumption that it was water inside the beakers, this is something that I never want my students to do. I want my students to be scientists and approach any situation that I give them as a time to make discoveries.
After the first part of the experiment was done and we went on to the second half I started to keep an open mind about the experiment and pay close attention to details that I had not done the first time around. This is part of being a scientist, making clear and concise observations. If a scientist only looks at a situation in one dimension then they are not seeing the world of opportunities. When I observed this time I didn’t focus my attention on one part, I saw all aspects of the situation and watched not just if a specific item floated in the liquid, but instead how it floated? How it reacted? Did the liquid increase? Was there a chemical reaction that occurred within the liquid? The questions were endless because this time I did not want to inhibit myself as a scientist.
This class made me want to learn how I can encourage my students to be scientists and to think and observe like scientists. It also made me see the world of opportunity within technology, I saw things today that I have never seen before and I am curious to find out more about it. Then find out how to implement it into my classroom for my students so they can get the education they deserve.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Meagan!!! Love what you have done with your blog space!! I just wanted to say I really like your last paragraph in your first post where you talked about your students getting the education they deserve-- that is a powerful statement!!! I totally agree with you =)
