Today's class was completely designed around the 5 E model lesson plan. The 5E model is very similar to that of the Mounts lesson plan. There is goals, objectives, standards, and of course the general way to go about the lesson with your class. There seems to be a fine line between the two models, because even though it seems different on the surface both cover the same things with different vocabulary.
Engage is just like the Introduction section of the MSMC lesson plan. The whole idea of both is to get the students motivated to learn. This is crucial in any lesson of course you want to activate their prior knowledge to get the ball rolling. This way when they start the lesson they already have the knowledge at the fore front of their brain. You want to get them excited about the lesson, engage them in an activity that has to do with the lesson, The hook can be anything from a poem, a video, even a toy.
Explore or develop, this is when the teacher actually takes the time to address what the topic actually is. The students need to understand what they are learned before they can become hands on with the activity. In this section the students learn through the teacher, the teacher models and works with the students till they understand the concepts. Once they understand they can explore the content themselves, it could be an experiment, observation, ect.
Explain happens during the explore section of the lesson, it is just a more in depth explanation of what the students are expected to know. The teacher can ask prompting questions and engage the students in a meaningful discussion about the topic. They need to have this discussion so they understand what it is that they are learning, so they can understand it further, so they can put meaning behind it, and even relate it to there own lives.
Elaborate is really getting to the heart of the matter, Really defining what it is that they are exploring. This can involve going of the vocabulary or maybe the exact process that is involved with what ever it that they are exploring.
Evaluate: This is a crucial step in the lesson, this is how we know that the students understand what we went over. The teacher can use diagnostic, formative, and summative questions throughout the lesson to assess how the students are doing throughout the lesson. Such as, how do you know the students have prior knowledge. Then at the end the teacher can assess there knowledge through an exam or homework.

I love this posting! I love how you broke down the 5 E plan!!! I also love how you described the Google Doc assignment as if you took the words from my mouth!!! We are learning about so many different things that are really going to put us ahead of the game when it comes to teaching! =)