Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Research in other parts of the world

Class was very interesting today, we were lucky enough to have someone come talk to us about her research in Russia. It was very interesting to learn how they conduct research in Russia compared to here in the U.S. There were a lot of things that were very similar and of course there were things that were fairly different. What shocked me was the free education that students recieve there, compared to the thousands we spend here. It was also nice to see the motivation and dedication that she has put into her work and studies. This is a great teacher tool for me going into education, bringing outside experience and knowledge into my class can only be beneificial to my students. Guest speakers have always been really interesting to me as ive grown up, it is good because they usually speicialize in one thing and can give students a piece of knowledge that i can not. After the presentation going through the E-folio an setting them up was a process i found to be helpful. Once i was done practicing and setting up the pages it became like second nature and i was very fast at setting up pages compared to when i first started and was very confused. This is important for me as an educator, we need to practice and get experience doing all types of things so that we can share the knowledge with our students. If i go into a classroom and i am confused by a website or anything for that matter, my students will not benefit. Setting up these simple web pages makes me really think about all the research and technology that has gone into making this process simple. People must take years and years to set up web pages like all the social networking sites like facebook.

With all this talk about global warming and the weather we have been have been really thinking about what is going on in our environment. The last time i remember having such a bad winter was i believe in 1996. When i watch shows about the polar bears losing their habitat, it makes me wonder why is it warm there and its horribly cold here. I really want to look into why there is such climate changes and what there is to come in 10 or even 100 years. What is the world going to look like for me and future generations. It also makes me wonder, if we have all this technology at our finger tips why isnt there more being done. Or possibly i am being niave and more is being done then i think.

Unfortuanetly i am not able to reflect on chapter 3 at this time due to still not being able to access the book. I hope that this changes fairly soon and i can catch up with everyone. Sorry that it is not included.

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